
在日本,抗震能力是建造房屋的关键, 哪个地区经常发生地震. 十大赌博娱乐平台在各种地震波下对海姆进行了测试, 包括带1的波,800年加, 强度是阪神浅路大地震的两倍. 海姆证明了该结构完好无损, 即使遭受更强烈的地震, 连续数天反复发生.



和舒适的帕菲特房子差不多, 有一个大开口的窗口, 为了测试,建造了厚厚的瓷砖外墙和宽阔的阳台. 家具重量估算,60kg/m2 还增加了负载. Although full-size tests featuring the building repeatedly subject to violent vibration represent hostile conditions, 不过,十大赌博娱乐平台计划在这种条件下进行试验.


阪神浅路大地震被称为内陆地震, 发生在有很强的瞬时冲击波的城市附近. 另一方面, 东海地震, 预计在不久的将来会发生什么, 可能是板块间地震. This type of earthquake has its hypocenter under the sea and the quake continues for longer than that of an inland earthquake, 这意味着随之而来的对建筑物的破坏可能会更大.

十大赌博娱乐平台在各种地震波下对海姆进行了测试 of inland and interplate earthquakes and confirmed its safety following each seismic wave.


十大赌博娱乐平台对海姆号进行了为期三天的各种地震波下的全尺寸测试. 作为板间地震试验, 6 seismic waves from the Miyagi Offshore Earthquake and 25 seismic waves from the predicted Tokai Earthquake were used for the tests. 在其中的四次测试中, 1,330年加, 振动器的最大容量, 被反复应用到建筑上. 用于内陆地震试验, 试验使用了阪神浅路大地震的18个地震波. 在其中的8个测试中, the seismic waves applied were greater than those of the real earthquake having occurred in the past. 最大的一波,800年加, which is 2 times greater than the figures observed in the real earthquake and 振动器的最大容量, 也适用于建筑吗. 测试总数为49. 这样的条件, 即地震的数量和规模, 不会影响任何建筑物吗. 然而, 海姆展示了它的实力, even under circumstances faced with several aftershocks coming after the main shock for example.




Even a single unit can withstand the force of an earthquake equivalent to the largest magnitude in centuries

When a building is exposed to shocks from an earthquake, the force is concentrated on the joints. 海姆的部队, posts and beams are welded through joint-pieces (steel plate reinforcement) and it forms a box frame structure* with integrated posts and beams. 不像普通的框架结构, 柱子和横梁在哪里用螺栓连接, 这是一个非常坚固的结构单元,没有薄弱的地方. 除了, 柱子和横梁总是做成长方形, 以尽量减少建筑物所产生的变形和损坏.


梁柱的强度不取决于厚度,而取决于截面面积. 当海姆的强大单位连接到其他单位时, 关节的单位变得更强, 有2个或4个柱和梁形成大截面. 特别是, 第二层的楼板横梁, 哪些人在地震中受到的冲击最大, 形成的截面面积可达350mm × 150mm. 这种单元结构将能够应付来自烈度最大的地震.


海姆由几个联合单位组成, 接头之间通过高强度螺栓牢固连接. 这些高强度螺栓, 直径16毫米, 具有半永久强度,通常用于桥梁工程, 是用来垂直连接单元的吗. 8个螺栓,每个螺栓可承重1吨.8kn)的剪切力,水平连接单元,同时四个锚固螺栓,每个承重2.2 (21.6kn) ~ 12.2吨(119吨).6kn)剪切力将整个单元连接到其基础上. Every unit and set of foundations are integrated into a single strong structure without any weak area.

Every bolt is managed for the torque to be fixed as calculated in order to exert maximum strength.

The flexibility of the box frame structure and external walls that absorb earthquake energy prevent sudden destruction, 即使暴露在最大的地震运动中.

Heim's box frame structure, like a high-rise building, absorbs earthquake energy by bending slightly. 外墙也有一个能够吸收地震能量的结构. 采用这种箱框结构和外墙, the acceleration (response acceleration) to which the building is exposed diminishes compared to that of a brace structure building, 它用自己的力量抵抗加速度.

当箱框结构建筑物承受最大地震能量时, 由此产生的加速度更小, 这意味着它避免了突然的破坏, 不像建筑物用自身的力量来抵抗这种能量. Focusing on potentially falling furniture and remaining inside the building until the quake stops may therefore be safer than evacuating outside.



每个外墙材料轻微变形, 与地震同步影响建筑结构, 整个外墙吸收了地震冲击. 与此同时, the gasket masonry joints method is adopted for the joint external walls and these gaskets also function as shock-absorbing material. When the building structure reverts to its normal shape after being subjected to the violent stresses of a great earthquake, 结构设计也允许外墙和垫圈恢复到正常状态. 很少有人担心外墙开裂或倒塌.

外墙材料用一种叫做螺柱的特殊卡扣固定在柱子之间, 它们是用来吸收地震冲击的能量的. 因此,地震的影响也被能量吸收效应所减弱.


地震运动包括振幅、周期和速度等多种要素. 特别地,加速度(加仑)与施加在建筑物上的力密切相关. The relationship between the acceleration and the force to which a building is exposed can be expressed as: Force added to building = mass of building x acceleration. 质量越大,冲击波就越强. 通常, 贴瓷砖的外墙相当重, but we use our own developed lightweight and flexible SFC boards (cement rich surface and wooden chip rich inside). 除了, 十大赌博娱乐平台也使用降噪地板, developed in-house without ALC or concrete boards and bruck roofing material that is half the weight of 日本ese roof tiles. 海姆的每个部分都采用了这种轻质构件来减少伤害.


It is estimated that many tiles used for ordinary houses will be prone to damage or falling at seismic intensities of 6 or lower. 然而, each one of the Heim external wall tiles is affixed to the strong and flexible SFC boards using elastic adhesives. 此外,粘接工作是在工厂中进行的,湿度受到严格控制. 因此, the strength and stability of the adherence are far superior to those applicable to on-site work. No damage or falling tiles were observed during full size tests involving exposure to forces 2 times stronger than the shocks during the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake


We use a mat foundation that bears a load over its whole surface and is a structure spreading the seismic force to the ground

The mat foundation has attracted attention since the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and is used in Heim as one of the standard features. 不像连续的立足点系统, 它通过一根线承受载荷, 地震力通过它传导到地面, the mat foundation bears load over its whole surface and seismic force flows from the surface into the ground to protect the building on its foundation. The mat foundation thus has superior earthquake resistance as well as functions to control the liquefaction phenomenon and differential ground settlement, 有助提升楼宇安全.

The solid foundation scatters force from the construction load and it is effective for ground with a high soil bearing capacity (less than 50kn/m2)
液化 means the settlement of ground that occurs when water-containing soils are parted by the quake, 浮在水中, 然后沉.
The differential settlement means a phenomenon whereby the ground cannot bear the construction load and differentially sinks, 因此导致建筑倾斜.


加速度(gal)表示地震引起的地面运动的强度. 响应率, 与此同时, shows the value indicating how many times the acceleration to the foundation is magnified and reaches each floor. 该值越小,建筑物就越稳定,损害也就越小. Parfait的响应比为1.全尺寸测试时二楼有36个. 这个价值比使用传统建筑建造的普通房屋要小得多. 海姆抗震的稳定性和强度因此在其设计中得到验证.


与此同时, Members of units contributing to the load bearing and durability qualities of the building are manufactured with a high degree of accuracy by using the latest high-tech machine tools. The level of errors made during manual work performed by skilled on-site workers is generally estimated as around 5%. 在十大赌博娱乐平台的海姆生产工厂, 然而, 指定了单元和部件的所有成员的使用, pre-inspected members and parts are always used and the number of orders placed from building sites are strictly limited. 此外,专业检查员还对250个项目进行彻底检查. 因此,十大赌博娱乐平台对海姆的制造和建造实施了完善的质量控制, 确保它的设计没有变化或错误.